After service for the steel strapping clip machine




We provide online after service for the Steelstrappingsealmachine.

Since our engineer can not speak English so please install the Wechat software and add Mr Colin in the Wechat first

The Wechat link is below

Mr Colin Wechat account is +8618621323471

The case of out of sync from customer's request and solve it on line

Customer: there is one screw loose and the machine becomes out of sync

After service engineer: please turn the big belt wheel at backside without feed the steel strip and take a video to show me ...

There are mainly two causes which cause the problem of overlapping with ends of overlapping not meeting each other neatly

First cause is the steel coils are not evenly cut or slit during the process of slitting which naturally cause the overlapping ends not aligned with seal's section

Solution: adjust the blades of slitting machine to let all the coils slit in parallel level

Second cause is that the feeding guide wheels are not adjusted before the production

Adjust the four wheels in feeding system until the coils are 100% parallel with four guide wheels as shown below video...

  • Overlapping problem
  • If you connect the motor electricity wires backwards or in a wrong way, the big can will become loose

    so how to adjust and turn it back fastened again? ....


    contact us by WhatsApp:colin ( +85362802153);Tegram: zjaska (+8618621323471)







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