Weight of each PET -strapping clip-s

Why the weight of each PET clip is important?

Becase not only the serrated teeth can play an import role in the powerful gripping of the smooth surface of PET straps but

also the thickness and length of the PET clip is vital important in supporting the continuous grippping over the straps without

deforming and collapsing which often happened in the case of poor quality of PET clip with thin and short size.

So our machine guarantees the quality of the PET -strapping clip-s made from our machine

and use the correct size of raw steel materials as well.

weight of 1/2" pet strapping seal

Weight of each PET-strapping seal clipss1000


weight of 5/8" pet strapping seal

Weight of each PET-strapping seal clipss2000


weight of 3/4" pet strapping seal

Weight of each PET-strapping seal clipss3000


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